Marvel Legends Man-Thing Deluxe Action Figure from Disney+ Werewolf by Night Halloween Special

Dexter RoonaAction Figures, News2 Comments

Werewolf by Night Marvel Legends Series Man-Thing 6-Inch Action Figure featured image

Last Updated on June 14, 2024 by Dexter Roona

Today we return to the Marvel Legends Series as we bring news on the new Marvel Legends Man-Thing Deluxe Action Figure from Disney+ Werewolf by Night Halloween Special. We have all the news on this cool new figure including the best online retailers to buy him from that are linked at the bottom of the page

Unveiling the Man-Thing Action Figure from Disney+ Werewolf by Night

Introduction to the Man-Thing Deluxe Action Figure

The release of the new Hasbro Marvel Legends Man-Thing Deluxe action figure is inspired by the Disney+ Werewolf by Night Halloween Special, has gained significant attention from collectors and fans alike as it hits the stores

This meticulously crafted figure pays tribute to one of Marvel’s most enigmatic and eerie characters, capturing the look and feel of Man-Thing’s haunting presence and unique swampy appearance.

As part of the Marvel Legends series, this new deluxe figure promises not only exceptional detail but also a high level of articulation for the price point this figure is in, making it a must-have for both display and play.


Character Bio: Who is Man-Thing?

Man-Thing, whose real name is Dr. Theodore “Ted” Sallis, is a fascinating character within the Marvel Universe.

He was created by the minds of writers Stan Lee, Roy Thomas, and Gerry Conway, and artist Gray Morrow, and made his first appearance in the comic-book “Savage Tales #1” in 1971.

In the Man-Thing story arc, Ted Sallis is a biochemist working on a super-soldier serum similar to the one that created Captain America.

When an attempt on his life is made Ted escapes into the Florida Everglades, where he injects himself with the serum in the hope of saving his research.

However, the combination of the serum and the mystical properties of the swamp transformed him into the monstrous Man-Thing.

Man-Thing possesses extraordinary powers, including superhuman strength, the ability to heal rapidly, and an empathic ability that causes him to burn those who feel fear.

His connection to the Nexus of All Realities, a gateway to various dimensions, adds to his mystical and intriguing nature.

Werewolf by Night Marvel Legends Series Man-Thing 6-Inch Action Figure

Werewolf by Night Marvel Legends Series Man-Thing 6-Inch Action Figure

The Disney+ Werewolf by Night Halloween Special

The Disney+ Werewolf by Night Halloween Special brought Man-Thing to the small screen in a captivating and chilling story.

This special, part of Marvel’s expansion into darker Marvel stories, features Jack Russell, the Werewolf by Night, and intertwines with the story of Man-Thing.

Fans and critics note the Halloween special for its atmospheric storytelling that blends horror elements with Marvel’s signature superhero flair.


Why Man-Thing is Referred to as Ted

In the Marvel Comics and the Disney+ special, Man-Thing is often referred to as “Ted.”

This nickname stems from his human identity, Dr. Theodore Sallis.

The use of “Ted” adds a personal touch to the monstrous character, reminding the audience and other characters of his tragic transformation from human to monster.

This humanizing aspect is crucial in making Man-Thing a sympathetic figure despite his scary monstrous appearance.

By calling him Ted, the story bridges the gap between his past and present, highlighting the enduring essence of the man trapped within the creature.


Features of the Marvel Legends Man-Thing Deluxe Action Figure

The Marvel Legends Man-Thing Deluxe action figure stands out for its impressive design and attention to detail.

Here are some key features that make this figure a standout addition to any collection:


Detailed Sculpt and Paintwork

The sculpt of the Man-Thing figure is highly detailed and captures Man-Thing’s grotesque swamp-like appearance.

The paintwork helps to accentuate the various textures of his moss-covered body, giving Man-Thing a lifelike look.

From the gnarled roots and vines to his glowing red eyes, every part of Man-Thing’s design has been faithfully recreated from the Disney+ Special.


Articulation and Poseability

Like all Marvel Legends figures Man-Thing boasts many points of articulation and offers a varied range of posing possibilities allowing collectors to display the figure in dynamic action poses from the Werewolf by Night Halloween Special or the monster’s other Marvel comic adventures.

These articulation points are carefully integrated into the design, maintaining the figure’s aesthetic integrity while providing a good level of functional movement.


Accessories and Interchangeable Parts

The deluxe figure doesn’t come with a whole host of accessories, you only get a pair of interchangeable open-palm hands and that is perfectly fine because buying the Man-Thing Deluxe Marvel Legends figure is all about the figure and that is all you need.

As part of the Marvel Legends 6-inch scale action figures series, Man-Thing himself is a larger-than-normal figure in the series coming in at an impressive 8 inches tall.

Werewolf by Night Marvel Legends Series Man-Thing 6-Inch Action Figure


Packaging and Presentation

The packaging of the Marvel Legends Man-Thing Deluxe action figure is designed with collectors in mind.

It features vibrant artwork on the box and a window display that showcases the figure prominently.

Werewolf by Night Marvel Legends Series Man-Thing 6-Inch Action Figure - Packaging and Presentation

The packaging not only protects the figure but also adds to its overall appeal, making it a great item for both in-box and out-of-box collectors.


Collectibility and Market Value

As part of the Marvel Legends series, the Man-Thing Deluxe action figure is sure to be a prized figure for Marvel fans.

The Legends series is known for its high-quality figures that appeal to both casual fans and the more serious Marvel collectors.

Given the character’s unique place in Marvel history and his recent appearance in the Disney+ special, this figure is in the minds of fans and is likely to be highly sought after.

If you want this figure you should consider buying it early to avoid disappointment!

Werewolf by Night Marvel Legends Series Man-Thing 6-Inch Action Figure Pinterest Image



The Marvel Legends Man-Thing Deluxe action figure is a remarkable representation of one of Marvel’s most intriguing characters.

With its detailed design and articulation, it stands out as a premium Marvel Legends collectable

The character of Man-Thing, enriched by his tragic backstory and his role in the Disney+ Werewolf by Night Halloween Special, adds depth and narrative appeal to the figure.

Whether for display, play, or investment, the Man-Thing Deluxe action figure is a testament to Marvel’s enduring ability to bring its characters to life in new and exciting ways.

Shopping Guide:

You can buy the Marvel Legends Man-Thing Deluxe Action Figure from Disney+ Werewolf by Night Halloween Special at the following online retailers:

Entertainment Earth

Amazon and Amazon UK

eBay and eBay UK


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2 Comments on “Marvel Legends Man-Thing Deluxe Action Figure from Disney+ Werewolf by Night Halloween Special”

  1. It’s great to see such a detailed and informative review on the figure. I can tell you did your research and put a lot of care and effort into this review. You pretty much covered everything one could ask and it was cool reading about the character’s background as well.

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