Silo Season 1 Ending Explained – Does Juliette Clean?

Dexter RoonaAFGeek BlogLeave a Comment

Last Updated on July 2, 2023 by Dexter Roona

Today we bring you our Silo Season 1 Ending Explained – Does Juliette Go Out And Clean? article… WARNING HUGE SPOILERS AHEAD!

The first season of Silo, based on books by Hugh Howey and adapted for TV by Graham Yost, tells the dystopian story of a society living underground for 140 years after a rebellion. They are shown a glimpse of the outside world, which is a desolate and unlivable wasteland.

However, when Allison, her husband Sheriff Holston, and engineer Juliette venture outside the silo to find out if the outside world really is as dangerous as they are told. On going outside they uncover harsh truths and see things in a very different light.

NB: FINAL WARNING – This Silo Season 1 Ending Explained – Does Juliette Clean? article contains major spoilers for the season finale!

Billings suffers from a condition known as The Syndrome.

Billings suffers from a condition known as The Syndrome. Silo Season 1 Ending Explained – Does Juliette Go Out And Clean?

In the second-to-last episode of Silo, Juliette is running away from Judicial after escaping from Billings after he suffers a flare-up of the condition known as The Syndrome.

What is The Syndrome? – A medical condition that displays involuntary twitching, which rapidly progresses to shaking of the extremities. Other symptoms include, flashes of pain and muscle spasms, impairment of balance and movement. If left untreated, The Syndrome can target the brain, leading to a decline in cognitive brain function. Ultimately, the entire nervous system may shut down. It is crucial to seek immediate medical attention to prevent further complications.

She breaks into Sims‘ apartment and briefly takes his wife and son as hostages. At the same time, Billings enters Juliette’s old apartment, discovers and reads the “Amazing Adventures” book about Georgia, and tears out a page before burning it.

Using Sims’ computer clearance, Juliette accesses the hard drive and watches a video from George. She evades capture once again and seeks help from Patrick and Danny.

Together, they explore the contents of the drive and find a video of the outside world, revealing a beautiful blue sky, lush greenery, and birds in flight.

It’s a surprising and breathtaking discovery!


Silo Season 1 Ending Explained – Does Juliette Go Outside and Clean?

In the Silo Season 1 finale titled “Outside,” Juliette is deeply impacted by the life-changing image of the outside world that she has discovered. Realizing that they have been lied to and deceived, she insists that everyone needs to know the truth. With Judicial hunting her down, Juliette and her accomplices relocate to a signal booster on 126 in the hopes of sharing the damning video with other silo screens. They broadcast the video of a promising world to the screens.

Bernard commands everyone, including Sims to close their eyes, turn away from their monitors, and cover their faces. He shuts down the entire system, instructing the team to forget everything they have seen and witnessed.

Bernard realizes that the elusive Juliette is using the trash chute for transportation to evade Judicial. He and Sims instruct a team to throw recyclables down in an attempt to stop Juliette and knock her unconscious. The falling recycling results in Juliette plummeting, potentially to her death.

However, her friends in the Mechanical department rescue her. Judicial swiftly arrive at Walker’s door to arrest Juliette and destroy the hard drive. Juliette agrees to accompany Bernard and waives her right to a Judicial hearing, on the condition that Bernard reveals what happened to George.

Silo Season 1 Ending Explained - Does Juliette Go Outside and Clean?

Meanwhile, following Juliette’s departure, Shirley expresses regret to Walker, saying, “I wish I had convinced her not to pursue that faulty heat tape when I was almost out. That’s what angered the authorities above.”

This comment gets Walker thinking leading her to retrieve a roll of the tape before courageously venturing outside her apartment for the first time in many years. She very cautiously makes her way to Carla’s door, where Carla questions if this is about Nichols and the problematic heat tape. She remarks that Juliette’s actions had attracted the Judicial’s attention and wonders why they are so concerned. Walker agrees, and suddenly everything becomes clear. “It doesn’t make sense,” she says. “Unless it does.”

Bernard takes Juliette to the surveillance room and presents her with footage of George on the day of his death. In the video, George intentionally pauses in front of a surveillance camera and declares that giving up the drive would be torture for him. He then smiles directly into the lens of the camera, crosses his arms over his chest, and purposefully falls backward off the railing.

This revelation gives Juliette a sense of closure, even though she is behind bars.

Juliette is visited by her loved ones to say their goodbyes. A case of sensor wool tape is brought in for Juliette’s suit, and Shirley presents her with a box of treats accompanied by a note from Walker. The note expresses Walker’s love for Juliette and assures her not to be afraid, “They’re in good supply”.


The Display And What Does “They’re In Good Supply” Mean?

After obtaining Lukas‘ cooperation, Bernard brings him into his office and pronounces a sentence of 10 years in the mines. Later, at his desk, Bernard examines the damaged hard drive and discovers a still intact disc inside, which he keeps for himself, raising suspicion.

Meanwhile, at home, Billings informs his wife that Sims is aware that he suffers with The Syndrome, but Judicial has made an exception for him.

Just minutes before Juliette goes outside Bernard reveals to her that her parents were never supposed to have had children.

“You have served the silo admirably, but when you became the sheriff and began investigating Wilkins’ death, you became a mortal threat to our survival,” he confesses.

Juliette questions why she shouldn’t just tell people about the lie of the display and simply encourage them to go outside.

She also mentions the massive steel door at the bottom of the silo that George discovered, urging Bernard to disclose its existence.

Bernard seems confused upon hearing about the door but then acknowledges that the silo’s founders left them with many unsolved mysteries.

As a final act, he honors Juliette’s request by giving her Sheriff Holston’s badge before she departs for the outside.


The Outside

As the biggest cleaning crowd (including Walker, Dr. Nichols, and Mechanical) gathers to watch Juliette leave the silo, her suit is fitted and her arms and legs are secured with heat tape.

Bernard gives his same talk stressing that they don’t know why they’re in the silo or when it will be safe to leave, and Juliette gives her last words: “I’m not afraid.”

She exits the silo and sees the same beautiful, picturesque, colorful world from the hard drive video (birds in formation and all), but without Allison or Holston’s bodies in sight? She then walks up to the silo’s camera, holds her cleaning cloth, and drops it on the ground in a final act of rebellion.

Despite the appearance of everything being fine, Bernard assures Sims that Juliette will meet her demise before she reaches the tree. True to his words, as she reaches the tree she falls to the ground as expected. However, it becomes clear that her fall is not due to physical distress. Instead, she stumbles over an object that is invisible to her but clearly visible through the silo’s window – Holston’s lifeless body. Juliette kneels down and searches the ground, triggering a glitch in her helmet’s display that was meant to create an idyllic simulation of the outside world for her to see.

In a state of panic, Bernard exclaims, “SHE KNOWS,” and even Sims is left bewildered. By the time Sims turns to look at Bernard, the man who harbors numerous secrets is already sprinting toward the server room.

Juliette, now fully aware that Sheriff Holston’s body lies beneath her, even though she cannot see it, places the sheriff’s badge on him, stands, and continues her journey. As she takes in the deaths around her and wonders why she has not succumbed yet. She gazes at the tape on her suit and echoes the words from Walker’s note: “They’re good in supply.” Walker had ensured that her suit was equipped with the high-quality heat tape, which ultimately saves her life.

Upon reaching the top of the hill, Juliette sees a breathtaking landscape of a vibrant grassy meadow, adorned with flowers, trees, and birds.

Meanwhile, Bernard arrives at the server room and uses his “18” key to deactivate Juliette’s stunning display, unveiling everyone’s greatest fear.

The desolate and barren world seen from inside the silo is, in fact, the grim reality of the world outside the Silo. With a distant city on the horizon and a landscape of dirt and lifeless bodies surrounding her, Juliette has no choice but to keep moving forward.

As the camera pans, numerous other silo entrances are revealed on the ground before her, leaving us with even more unanswered questions than when we first began this journey.


Is There A Silo Season 2? Does Juliette Return?

The ending of season 1 gave viwers so many questions that there just has to be a Silo Season 2 and with anticipation already building feverishly toward a possible second season there is already good news.

Star and executive producer Rebecca Ferguson was recently interviewed on the posdibility of a season 2 and revealed thst Silo season 2 is on the way.

Season 2 will begin Rebecca’s character Juliette Nichols in a little bit of a bind – outside the silo walls with nowhere really to go, or is there?

In the final scenes of Silo season one we saw Juliette surrounded by countless other silos. The big question now is are they all connected?


Silo Season 1 Ending Explained - Does Juliette Go Out And Clean

Silo Season 1 Ending Explained – Does Juliette Go Out And Clean

Are there any Silo Funko Pops?

No there are not currently any Silo Funko Pops though we would welcome a Juliette Silo Funko Pop and Billings Funko Pop with open arms.

Here are the possible Silo Funko Pops that could be released:

  • Juliette – Mechanical – Funko Pop!
  • Juliette Sherif Funko Pop!
  • Deputy Billings Funko Pop!
  • Sims Funko Pop!
  • Bernard Funko Pop!

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